Episode 19, Mind, Body and Consciousness (Part I)

Welcome to Episode 19 (Part I of II) on Mind, Body and Consciousness.

For Episode 19, I'm joined by Gregory Miller and Dr Thom Atkinson from the University of Liverpool. As well as introducing the questions and problems surrounding consciousness and mind; we'll be discussing substance dualism, materialism and panpsychism.

This week in Part I, we'll be talking about substance dualism and materialism.

As always, you can find the main texts as well as links to additional content at the bottom of the page. Please help support the show by subscribing on iTunesAndroid or tunein. Thank you!

Any thoughts? Please tweet us @thepanpsycast or email us at jack@thepanpsychist.com.

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/causally interacts with your body via the pineal gland
Part I. Substance Dualism (09:20)
Part II. Materialism (33:45)
Part III. Panpsychism (00:10 in Part II)
Part IV. Further Analysis and Discussion (16:40 in Part II)

Episode 16, Søren Kierkegaard (Part III)

Welcome to Episode 16 (Part III of III) on Søren Kierkegaard.


Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) was a man who did not consider himself a philosopher but rather a poet. He showed distain to the rigid academic systems that theology and philosophy were producing during his time, and his writings were often in complete opposition to their way of thinking. For Kierkegaard, the importance of philosophy lay with self-discovery; developing into a true, authentic self.

This week we talk about Sickness Unto Death and engage in some further analysis and discussion.

As always, you can find the main texts as well as links to additional content at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for listening! Any thoughts? Please tweet us @thepanpsycast!

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/takes a leap of faith
Part I. The Life of Kierkegaard (11:11)
Part II. The Basis of Kierkegaard's Philosophy (32:35)
Part III. The Three Spheres of Life (00:10 in Part II)
Part IV. Further Analysis and Discussion (00:10 in Part III)

Episode 16, Søren Kierkegaard (Part II)

Welcome to Episode 16 (Part II of III) on Søren Kierkegaard.


Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) was a man who did not consider himself a philosopher but rather a poet. He showed distain to the rigid academic systems that theology and philosophy were producing during his time, and his writings were often in complete opposition to their way of thinking. For Kierkegaard, the importance of philosophy lay with self-discovery; developing into a true, authentic self.

This week we dive into Kierkegaard's 'Spheres of Life', focusing on his books Either / Or and Fear and Trembling.

As always, you can find the main texts as well as links to additional content at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for listening! Any thoughts? Please tweet us @thepanpsycast!

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/takes a leap of faith
Part I. The Life of Kierkegaard (11:11)
Part II. The Basis of Kierkegaard's Philosophy (32:35)
Part III. The Three Spheres of Life (00:10 in Part II)
Part IV. Further Analysis and Discussion (00:10 in Part III)

Episode 16, Søren Kierkegaard (Part I)


Welcome to Episode 16 (Part I of III) on Søren Kierkegaard.

Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) was a man who did not consider himself a philosopher but rather a poet. He showed distain to the rigid academic systems that theology and philosophy were producing during his time, and his writings were often in complete opposition to their way of thinking. For Kierkegaard, the importance of philosophy lay with self-discovery; developing into a true, authentic self.

This week we take a look at the life of Kierkegaard and the basis of his philosophy.

As always, you can find the main texts as well as links to additional content at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for listening! Any thoughts? Please tweet us @thepanpsycast!

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/takes a leap of faith

Part I. The Life of Kierkegaard (11:11)
Part II. The Basis of Kierkegaard's Philosophy (32:35)
Part III. The Three Spheres of Life (00:10 in Part II)
Part IV. Further Analysis and Discussion (00:10 in Part III)

Episode 13, Religious Experience (Part III)

Welcome to Episode 13 (Part III of III) on Religious Experience. Praise the lord! This week we wrap up religious experience with some analysis and discussion.

You can find the main text we will be discussing at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for listening!

Any thoughts? Please tweet us @thepanpsycast

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/realises through its own experience that God exists...
Part I. Mystical Experience (in Part I, 10:35)
Part II. Conversion Experience (in Part I, 39:40)
Part III. Ways in which individual religious experience can be understood (in Part II, 25:40)
Part IV. Criticisms, Analysis and Discussion (start of Part III)

Episode 13, Religious Experience (Part II)

Welcome to Episode 13 (Part II of III) on Religious Experience. This week we take a look at conversion experience and the ways in which religious experiences can be interpreted.

You can find the main text we will be discussing at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for listening!

Any thoughts? Please tweet us @thepanpsycast!

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/realises through its own experience that God exists...
Part I. Mystical Experience (in Part I, 10:35)
Part II. Conversion Experience (in Part I, 39:40)
Part III. Ways in which individual religious experience can be understood (in Part II, 25:40)
Part IV. Criticisms, Analysis and Discussion (start of Part III)

Episode 13, Religious Experience (Part I)

Welcome to Episode 13 (Part I of III) on Religious Experience. This week we introduce the topic of religious experience. We take a look at William James, mystical experience and conversion experience.

You can find the main text we will be discussing at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for listening!

Any thoughts? Please tweet us @thepanpsycast

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/realises through its own experience that God exists...
Part I. Mystical Experience (in Part I, 10:35)
Part II. Conversion Experience (in Part I, 39:40)
Part III. Ways in which individual religious experience can be understood (in Part II, 25:40)
Part IV. Criticisms, Analysis and Discussion (start of Part III)

Episode 11, Guest Daniel Hill on Plantinga's Reformed Epistemology (Part II)

Welcome to Episode 11 (Part II of II) on Alvin Plantinga's reformed epistemology. In this section we question and challenge Dr Daniel Hill and Plantinga's reformed epistemology.

You can find the texts we will be discussing  at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for listening!

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/attempts to deny that belief in God is a properly basic belief...
Part I. Plantinga's Reformed Epistemology (Episode 11, (Part I)).
Part II. Analysis and discussion (Episode 11, (Part II)).

Episode 11, Guest Daniel Hill on Plantinga's Reformed Epistemology (Part I)

Welcome to Episode 11 (Part I of II) on Alvin Plantinga's reformed epistemology. Is belief in God rational? Do we all have a sense of the divine?

In this instalment guest Dr Daniel Hill from the University of Liverpool talks us through Plantinga's reasoning. 

You can find the text we will be discussing at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for listening!

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/accepts belief in God as a properly basic belief...
Part I. Plantinga's Reformed Epistemology (Episode 11, (Part I)).
Part II. Analysis and discussion (Episode 11, (Part II)).

Episode 10, the Problem of Evil (Part III)

Welcome to Episode 10 (Part III of III) on the Problem of Evil! In this final instalment on the problem of evil we wrap up our thoughts and play some philosophical ultimatum!

New episodes are released every Monday... to be sure not to miss new eps. make sure you've subscribed to us on iTunes!

You can find the texts we will be discussing at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for listening!

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/attempts to reconcile the existence of an all-loving, all-powerful, all-knowing God with the existence of evil.
Part I. The Problem of Evil (start of Episode 10, (Part I)).
Part II. Theodicies (start of Episode 10, (Part II)).
Part III. The Free Will Defence (34:oo in Episode 10, (Part II)).
Part IV. Further Analysis and Discussion (start of Episode 10, (Part III)).

Episode 10, the Problem of Evil (Part II - Theodicies and Defences)

Welcome to Episode 10 (Part II of III) on the Problem of Evil! In this second instalment we focus on theodicies and the free will defence!

New episodes are released every Monday... to be sure not to miss new eps. make sure you've subscribed to us on iTunes!

You can find the texts we will be discussing at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for listening!

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/attempts to reconcile the existence of an all-loving, all-powerful, all-knowing God with the existence of evil.
Part I. The Problem of Evil (start of Episode 10, (Part I)).
Part II. Theodicies (start of Episode 10, (Part II)).
Part III. The Free Will Defence (34:oo in Episode 10, (Part II)).
Part IV. Further Analysis and Discussion (start of Episode 10, (Part III)).

Episode 10, the Problem of Evil (Part I)

Welcome to Episode 10 (Part I of III) on the Problem of Evil! In this first instalment we focus on Mackie's logical problem and Rowe's evidential problem.

New episodes are released every Monday... to be sure not to miss new eps. make sure you've subscribed to us on iTunes!

You can find the texts we will be discussing at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for listening!

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/attempts to disprove the existence of an all-loving, all-powerful, all-knowing God.
Part I. The Problem of Evil (start of Episode 10, (Part I)).
Part II. Theodicies (start of Episode 10, (Part II)).
Part III. The Free Will Defence (34:oo in Episode 10, (Part II)).
Part IV. Further Analysis and Discussion (start of Episode 10, (Part III)).

Episode 9, the Cosmological Argument (Part II)

Welcome to Episode 9 (Part II), focusing on the Cosmological Argument for the existence of God. The voices in this episode are owned by Jack Symes, Andrew Horton and Ollie Marley.

Make sure you've subscribed to us on iTunes to be alerted when the next part/episode is released!

You can find the texts we will be discussing at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for listening!

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/gets down with some a posteriori reasoning.
Part I. St. Thomas Aquinas (5:10).
Part II. Leibniz (34:50).
Part III. Criticisms of the Cosmological Argument (00:05 in Part II).
Part IV. Further Analysis and Discussion (11:34 in Part II).

Episode 9, the Cosmological Argument (Part I)

Welcome to Episode 9 (Part I), focusing on the Cosmological Argument for the existence of God. The voices in this episode are owned by Jack Symes, Andrew Horton and Ollie Marley.

Make sure you've subscribed to us on iTunes to be alerted when the next part/episode is released!

You can find the texts we will be discussing at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for listening!

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/proves the existence of God a posteriori.
Part I. William Paley (4:45).
Part II. St. Thomas Aquinas (51:50).
Part III. Other Formulations (00:00 in Part II).
Part IV. Further Analysis and Discussion (12:06 in Part II).

Episode 8, the Teleological Argument (Part I)

Welcome to Episode 8 (Part I of II), focusing on teleological arguments for the existence of God. The voices in this episode are owned by Jack Symes, Andrew Horton and Ollie Marley.

Make sure you've subscribed to us on iTunes to be alerted when the next part/episode is released!

You can find the texts we will be discussing at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for listening!

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/proves the existence of God a posteriori.
Part I. William Paley (4:45).
Part II. St. Thomas Aquinas (51:50).
Part III. Other Formulations (00:00 in Part II).
Part IV. Further Analysis and Discussion (12:06 in Part II).

Episode 7, the Ontological Argument (Part II)

Welcome to Episode 7 (Part II of II), focusing on St Anselm and the Ontological Argument. The voices in this episode are owned by Jack Symes, Andrew Horton and Ollie Marley.

Make sure you've subscribed to us on iTunes to be alerted when the next part/episode is released!

You can find the texts we will be discussing at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for listening!

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/proves the existence of God a priori.
Part I. Anselm and the Argument (12:00).
Part II. Gaunilo and the island (28:15).
Part III. General criticisms (00:30 in Part II).
Part IV. Further analysis and discussion (28:10 in Part II).

Episode 7, the Ontological Argument (Part I)

Welcome to Episode 7 (Part I of II), focusing on St Anselm and the Ontological Argument. The voices in this episode are owned by Jack Symes, Andrew Horton and Ollie Marley.

Make sure you've subscribed to us on iTunes to be alerted when the next part/episode is released!

You can find the texts we will be discussing at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for listening!

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/proves the existence of God a priori.
Part I. Anselm and the Argument (12:00).
Part II. Gaunilo and the island (28:15).
Part III. General criticisms (00:30 in Part II).
Part IV. Further analysis and discussion (28:10 in Part II).

Episode 3, Dualism and Materialism

Welcome to Episode 3 of The Panpsycast, Dualism and Materialism. The voices in this episode are owned by Jack Symes, Andrew Horton and Ollie Marley. 

In this episode we wrap up our discussion on Plato and Aristotle before giving an overview of materialism and dualism. 

You can find the texts we will be discussing at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for listening!

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/interacts with physical properties.
Part I. Aristotle and Plato on the Soul (1:22)
Part II. Cartesian Dualism (17:40)
Part III. Materialism (37:00)
Part IV. Further Discussion (53:30)

Episode 2, Aristotle's Basic Philosophies

Welcome to Episode 2 of the Panpsycast, Aristotle's Basic Philosophies. The voices in this episode are owned by Jack Symes, Andrew Horton and Ollie Marley. 

This episode fulfils the function of tackling Aristotle's basic philosophies. Special thanks to the prime mover for your help in the production of this recording.

Thank you to all of our wonderful community for your support so far.

Thank you for listening!

The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/fulfils its telos.
Part I. Aristotle and Teleology (3:30)
Part II. The Four Causes (20:15)
Part III. The Prime Mover (40:30)
Part IV. Aristotle and Plato (54:15)

*Please note the following corrections: (1) Aristotle built on previous teleological thought, but rejected intelligence or God as the primary cause for natural things, and (2) Raphael painted the School of Athens, not Da Vinci*

Primary Reading and References:

Aristotle's Works, W. D. Ross. (Physics, p.634-5; Metaphysics, p.2293; Nicomachean Ethics, p.2536-42)

The School of Athens, Raphael.